Meet the Expert: Ru Bowman

29th August 2024

Carlin Hall stands as a global leader in executive search and talent supply, renowned for connecting top-tier talent with prestigious organizations worldwide. In this interview, we sit down with Ru Bowman, a seasoned consultant at Carlin Hall, who brings a wealth of experience and insights to the table. Ru’s deep understanding of the executive search industry has been instrumental in driving success for both clients and candidates.

Q: Can you share a bit about your background and how you got started in the recruitment industry?

Like many people in recruitment, I kind of stumbled into it. I actually started out in a completely different field, I was running an ice cream production and wholesale business. I decided to close it down, which left me at a bit of a crossroads. I wasn’t exactly sure what my next step would be, but I knew I wanted something challenging and rewarding.

Around that time, my girlfriend, who’s now my fiancé, mentioned that one of our friends, Joe, was hiring at Carlin Hall. Joe always seemed really enthusiastic about his work, and he was finding a lot of success in the recruitment industry. I was intrigued, so I reached out to him to learn more about the role. After a few conversations, it just clicked for me. I took the leap, joined Carlin Hall, and, well, the rest is history. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Q: Could you elaborate on your areas of specialization and the types of clients you typically work with?

Sure! My main focus is on senior appointments within the executive search industry, which means I help place top-tier talent into leadership roles at some of the most respected search firms around. I’m talking about roles like revenue generators, practice leaders, and senior operational professionals, people who really drive the business forward.

What’s interesting about my work is that I’m not confined to a single sector or geography. I’ve had the opportunity to work across various industries and regions, which keeps things exciting and challenging. Most of my clients are fully retained search firms and they trust me to bring them the best of the best.

I also have a strong network in the contingent recruitment industry, so I’ve handled leadership mandates there as well. This diversity of my clients means I’m always learning and adapting, which is crucial in this industry.

Q: How do you define success in executive search, both for your clients and candidates?

For me, success in recruitment is all about creating a situation where everyone wins. When a client secures the talent they need to drive their business forward, and the candidate lands a role that not only advances their career but also aligns with their personal goals—that’s the sweet spot.

I like to think of it as a win-win-win scenario. The client wins because they’ve found someone who’s going to make a real impact on their organization. The candidate wins because they’re moving into a role that’s going to challenge them and help them grow. And, of course, as a recruiter, there’s a win for us too, happy clients and candidates mean we’ve done our job well, and yes, we get paid for that effort. But beyond the financial aspect, there’s a deep satisfaction in knowing that you’ve made a meaningful connection that benefits all parties involved. That’s what keeps me motivated every day.

Q: From your perspective, what are some emerging trends or shifts in the executive search industry, and how do you adapt to them?

The executive search industry has been evolving rapidly, especially over the last decade. One of the biggest shifts I’ve seen is the level of competition. It’s not just search firms vying for top talent anymore, consulting firms and in-house teams have really stepped up their game. That means search firms like ours need to offer more than just traditional search services to stay competitive.

We’re seeing a growing demand for services like assessment, succession planning, and DE&I consulting. Clients are looking for partners who can provide comprehensive solutions that go beyond simply filling a role. They want someone who can help them plan for the future, ensure they’re building a diverse and inclusive leadership team, and assess potential candidates with a high level of accuracy.

And then there’s technology. It’s been a game-changer in many ways. From AI-driven candidate sourcing to advanced data analytics, technology has significantly reduced the time it takes to create a shortlist of candidates. But with that, client expectations have also risen, they want results faster, and they expect a higher level of precision in the candidates we present. So, staying on top of these technological advancements and integrating them into our processes has been crucial.

Q: What advice would you give to someone looking to build a successful career in executive search?

If you’re thinking about a career in executive search, my first piece of advice would be to never stop listening and learning. This is an industry where things change constantly, whether it’s new trends, technologies, or even just the shifting demands of your clients. The more you learn, the better you’ll be at adapting to these changes and staying ahead of the curve.

Secondly, work hard and differentiate yourself. There’s a lot of competition out there, so you need to find your niche, something that sets you apart from the rest. Maybe it’s a particular industry you specialize in, or perhaps it’s a unique approach to client management. Whatever it is, hone it and make it your signature.

And most importantly, enjoy the journey. Recruitment can be a rollercoaster with its ups and downs, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of finding the perfect fit for both a client and a candidate. So, embrace the challenges, celebrate the wins, and always keep a positive mindset.

Q: Beyond work, what passions or interests do you pursue outside of the office?

Outside of work, I’m pretty passionate about surfing, though, I have to admit, the North Sea hasn’t exactly been cooperating this year! It’s been pretty flat, which is a bummer, but I still try to get out there whenever I can. There’s something really calming and rejuvenating about being in the water, even when the waves aren’t ideal.

I also volunteer for The Wave Project, which is a surf therapy charity that helps children with additional needs experience the joy of surfing. It’s incredibly rewarding to see how much fun these kids have in the water and knowing that you’re helping them build confidence and skills that go beyond surfing.

When I’m not on the water, my fiancé and I love discovering new restaurants. We’re big foodies, always on the lookout for the next great meal. And then there’s our dog, Mini, she’s a big part of our lives. I really enjoy taking long walks with her; it’s a great way to unwind and spend some quality time outdoors.

Ru Bowman’s journey and insights exemplify the dedication and expertise that Carlin Hall brings to the executive search industry. If you’re looking to build a successful career in executive search, Ru invites you to collaborate with him. As global leaders, we are committed to delivering top talent and unparalleled service, ensuring the success of both our clients and candidates.